

I'll show you some now and an old photographs.
I tried to set the current scenery beside a monochrome photograph of 1970 
from the time in 1955.Please find the thing which does not change, 
a changing thing.An opening is from a thing for 1962

On  an Okada type ferry boat
Two people vomit boots with a brother somehow.

It is "the Okada type ferry boat" which this looked at from a bank.
"An Okada type ferry boat" does power to spread of water in driving force.
Wind is a flow of water, and sail is the hull just like a yacht. It's  a great idea isn't it!
"Yoshiho Coda"my father filmed the photography.

 There seem to have been the trees already 28 years ago.

It is a  birdview from a popular name IWANOHANA means "nose of rock".
There are best poinet watch the river. 
An older cut from this position comes out later.
The place please refer to a map of an afterhours.Near the castle.

After Hours


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